Fulfillment and Payment Policy

Fulfillment Policy

At FirstLight Analytics, LLC, we are committed to delivering high-quality data & analytics services. Please read our fulfillment policy regarding refunds and payment for worked hours:

Service Delivery: We strive to deliver IT data & analytics services that meet or exceed the expectations outlined in our service contracts.

No Refunds Policy: We do not provide refunds for services rendered. Once services are performed and invoiced according to the terms agreed upon in the contract, payment is expected in full.

Payment Terms: Clients are required to adhere to the payment terms specified in their contract with FirstLight Analytics, LLC. This includes prompt payment for all services provided, based on the agreed-upon rates and billing schedule.

Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute regarding services rendered or invoices issued, we encourage clients to reach out to us directly to resolve the issue through mutual discussion and agreement.

Client Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the client to review all terms and conditions outlined in the service contract before engaging our services. By engaging our services, clients acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms of payment as specified.

Exceptional Circumstances: In rare circumstances where there may be an issue with the quality or scope of services provided, we are committed to working with our clients to address concerns and find a mutually satisfactory resolution, though this does not constitute an automatic refund.

This fulfillment policy is designed to ensure clarity and transparency in our business practices regarding payment and service delivery.

For any questions regarding our fulfillment policy or to discuss specific terms related to your service contract, please contact us directly at info@firstlightanalytics.com.

FirstLight Analytics, LLC


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